//collect information...
$browser =$_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']; // get the browser name
$curr_server = $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'];
$curr_page = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];// get page name
$ip = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; // get the IP address
$from_page = $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'];// page from which visitor came
//Insert the data in the table...
$query_insert ="INSERT INTO statTracker
(browser,ip,thedate_visited,page,from_page) VALUES
('$browser','$ip',now(),'$curr_page','$from_page')" ;
$result=@mysql_query ( $query_insert);
echo mysql_error();
//echo $curr_page;
//remove this section when attaching the script to a webpage
//I include it only because of it's debug value.
Donut Press - authors
Giovanni Malito
Giovanni Malito was a Canadian-born chemist and teacher who lived in Cork, Ireland. As well as editing the poetry broadsheet The Brobdingnagian Times, he was also the author of A Poets’ Manifesto (LOL Production, 2002), To Be the Fourth Wise Man (MuscleHead Press, 2002) and Slingshot (Donut Press, 2003). He died in October 2003