//collect information...
$browser =$_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']; // get the browser name
$curr_server = $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'];
$curr_page = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];// get page name
$ip = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; // get the IP address
$from_page = $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'];// page from which visitor came
//Insert the data in the table...
$query_insert ="INSERT INTO statTracker
(browser,ip,thedate_visited,page,from_page) VALUES
('$browser','$ip',now(),'$curr_page','$from_page')" ;
$result=@mysql_query ( $query_insert);
echo mysql_error();
//echo $curr_page;
//remove this section when attaching the script to a webpage
//I include it only because of it's debug value.
Donut Press - authors
Annie Freud
Annie Freud grew up in London and graduated in English and European Literature at the University of Warwick. She has one daughter, May, and lives in Dorset with her husband. Among her many influences she includes Caravaggio, Cranach, Rilke and Cavafy. Donut Press published her pocketbook, A Voids Officer Achieves the Tree Pose, in 2006. Her first full collection, The Best Man That Ever Was (Picador, 2007) was awarded the Dimplex Prize, while The Mirabelles (Picador, 2010) was shortlisted for the T.S. Eliot Prize. Her most recent collection, The Remains, was published in June 2015.